Thursday, 4 September 2014

Week 6 Feedback received from presentation

On the contact session of this week, we did a design proposal presentation, which outlined the proposed design with reference to target audience, design purpose and user interaction. After presenting concept design, we collected feedback regarding three main questions.

  •  Q&A

1: Of the features on DIY Trove, do you think any are unnecessary? Alternatively, are there any add-on features you think would work?
(We presented an intentionally broad concept that included many of the features we had been discussing during our ideation stage. As such, we were interested in finding out which particular features on DIY Trove people thought would be unnecessary.)

1). Original concept perhaps has too much functionality/too many features.
2). Features that are more social should be emphasized. People might be more interested in “popular” things over “quality” things
Features E.g. :
·   List of most browsed or looked at page;
·   Homepage based on most liked projects;
·   Using comments system;
·   Landing page should feature popular projects

2: Are we featuring Trove data in an interesting enough way? Ideas on how to better feature Trove data on the site?
(Our top priority in our concept design is that users of DIY Trove are to some extent conscious of the fact that they are using a resource from Trove through the “Rough Cuts” section on our site.)

Feature “Rough Cuts” on the main page so people see it all and get inspiration like Pinterest.

3: Suggestions for particular types of content we should focus on in implementing our proof-of-concept?
(The final issue we discussed was which type of content we should concentrate of focusing when we actually implement our proof-of-concept. Although we had used a very particular set of resources in DIY Trove’s design that were based around craft and clothing, we wanted to check whether people thought the same way.)

Again, there was a sense that we should narrow our scope down to one particular type of content (easier in terms of implementation and time frame).

  • Other interesting questions and feedback that were written down on the post-it notes we provided were:

1.        How can you guarantee the continuity of users visits?
2.        Is it only for girls?
3.        Suggestion to check out another DIY website:
4.        Making the site more visual; using bigger pictures to show content.

  • Using Feedback: Proposed changes to DIY Trove design

Cut down on scope.  èèèDIY Trove will be about “ Rough Cuts ”

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